Off-line tools:
- Benchmark tools:
- Benchmark tools for hidden instances
- Simulator
- Validator
- XML Schemes
Feasibility checker (web-service):
Note: After the competition deadline (June 15, 2015), this web-service is no longer available. An off-line version can be provided by request.
It could be possible that some instance created from a given dataset is infeasible. In order to prevent participants from wasting time for searching for feasible solutions when they do not exists, we provide this feasibility checker as a web service. It can be used to check for the feasibility of any instance created from the Competition’s testbed or the Competition’s three test datasets. The usage syntax is as follows:
in which N is the total number of weeks stated in the scenario.
For example, the following command will check for the feasibility of the instance created by the scenario n080w4 (80 nurses and 4 weeks), with the initial history H0-n080w4-0 and the week data sequence of WD-n080w4-0, WD-n080w4-1, WD-n080w4-2, WD-n080w4-3.
Result of this request is a JSON-object stating the feasibility of the checked instance ({“result”:”Feasible”} in this case)